Newsletter – May 1st 2021

Rain Shelter under construction.
It’s dry and dusty with all the traffic on the dirt roads that pass on two side of the shelter. But we know the rains will come soon! To prepare for that, we started construction on another simple rain shelter. With almost 200 cats now living in the gardens, there is just not enough space for them to get under cover during the frequent torrential summer rains….or just a place to cat-nap our of the sun!
It will be named in honor of Marilyn Khan who was airlifted to Minnesota this month for medical reasons. As our chief fund-raiser for the last eight years, Marilyn will be greatly missed! She was responsible for

The Beach Luau
coordinating Kitty BINGO, Shelter Tours, fashion shows, cocktail parties and the Beach Luau, all the seasonal fundraising activities that benefit the shelter. If you would like to contribute to this project, you can get all the information on donating at our website at:
Did someone say “Kitten Season”?????? It’s that for sure! We had a record 40 kittens at last count and never know what the next week will bring. Some of the tiniest ones are being cared for by fosters. Some are waiting to get big enough or strong enough to spay or neuter. And the older ones are in the Nursery waiting for their chance to go to PetCo where we take adoptable kittens every Saturday and Sunday. We only had one adoption in all of March but April was better with 8 total. Still a long way to go! Contact Linda at for more information on adopting an adorable furry friend!
YOU can “Virtually Adopt” one of our resident felines for yourself or as a gift to a feline-loving friend for $120 a year (or $10 a month) and help us continue to give these adult cats a safe home and medical care for life. You can learn how to virtually adopt and also meet all the candidates by going to our website at or write us at
Scroll down on the ADOPT page to see some of the candidates, like Ambar, who is waiting for her chance to be Virtually Adopted!! Ambar is easy to spot with her beautiful long orange hair and fluffy tail. But she is still a wild child and does not let anyone get too close…..unless you have a treat!
For info on adopting dogs go to or contact
For info on adopting dogs go to or contact: