Newsletter – June 1st 2021

Raymond & his son at work!
The construction of the new Rain Shelter that we mentioned last month was completed! Raymond Escobedo offered his services to paint a mural on the back wall and we gratefully accepted…….and WOW! He did an amazing job on “Marilyn’s Cat-Nap Corner” which features her three cats, Mapacha, Paco and Sugar on the pink chair in the corner. The PuRR garden felines were quick to discover a new shady spot to hang out.
As of this writing, we have 58 kittens in the Nursery or foster homes. There were 25 dumped over the fence in May…..I think a record! And speaking of records…..just keeping up with the records of all kittens is a big task. Many are around the same age and look alike and Dra. Eva has to keep track of all the testing and deworming and vaccinations of each and every one! We are scheduling extra vet days just to keep up with all the spaying and neutering that is essential before putting kittens up for adoption. We are grateful for 10 adoptions at PetCo in May, but the fact is that at that rate, many of these kittens will end up living out their lives in the shelter gardens.
With SO many kittens dumped at the shelter in the last couple of months, we have had to rely on fosters to care for the tiniest ones, especially ones that must be bottle fed. We are grateful to Trisha Aljoe who has fostered a number of tiny PuRR kittens over the years and found homes for most of them! If you are interested in adopting one (or two!) of these sweet kittens that are both people and dog-friendly, contact us at
She reports on her latest three: “My foster babies are getting so big and they’re very healthy and happy! I think the sweet little boy kitten will truly miss Bug, his Chihuahua best friend, when he eventually goes off to his forever home. It’s rare to see one without the other, either at play, sleeping or just hanging out. They all still have a ways to go before hitting the minimum 1 kilo mark for spaying and neutering. I’m in no hurry for that to happen as it means their departure day is near!!!” Hopefully Trisha’s plants will survive until then!
Julie Williams of Lakewood, Colorado, has adopted two kittens after visits to the shelter and recently wrote: “I wanted to just send you a photo of my two cats from the Purr Project. Isabel aka Izzy, who I got in 2017 is the calico one and Tiggy, who I just got this past December is the white one. They just love each other so much and I am so happy my family is now complete. These two kitties bring so much joy to my life. I can’t thank you enough for all you do in Mexico for the kitties. Keep up the great work!” You can find YOUR feline companion by visiting us at PetCo every Saturday and Sunday!!
We’d like to thank our regular donors as well as the many people who sent in donations earmarked as a tribute to Marilyn Khan and her many years of volunteer work at the shelter: Lee & Heidi Mathias, Trisha Aljoe, Gail & Jamie Brasseal, Malka Sekey & Steve Oseas, Gayle & Paul Sommers, Judy Carlsen, Lisa Mechele, Janice North, Mike & Bobbie Ireland, Annie Dodge, Thomas Fitzgerald, Gary Phillips, Sandy & Pat Glenn, Joanne Bryla, Pam Tanora and John Graham. Also to Rosemary and Paul Shaw who visited the shelter to see their Virtual Adopted cat, “Patchey” and decided to donate the much needed roll-down blinds to keep rain out of several of the casitas……more on that next month!
For info on adopting dogs go to or contact
For info on adopting dogs go to or contact: