Newsletter – July 1st 2021
The good news is that new rolling rain curtains were installed, thanks to Rosemary and Paul Shaw’s donation! The Senior Center, Macho’s House and Linda’s Casita each got special awnings that Jose and Carlos can easily roll down during rainstorms to prevent the tropical rains from blowing into the casitas. We’ve had them on the Trisha’s Nursery casita for a few years and they really work well. We just couldn’t afford to install them in all the buildings until Rosemary and Paul visited in April and decided this was a project they wanted to donate funds for! The no-so-good news is that the first rainstorm of the season came with high winds that blew the roof off the older rain shelter/feeding station. We were able to get it repaired quickly and fortunately had the new “Marilyn’s Cat-Nap Corner” to use in the meantime! Summer is here!
We received the sad news on June 1st from Marilyn’s brother in Minnesota that she had passed away the night before. Her many, many friends here in Puerto Vallarta were devastated to learn they had lost such a vibrant and active member of the community. She was chief organizer of all our PuRR Project seasonal fundraising events and shelter tours. We cannot begin to express how much we will miss her smiling face and seemingly endless energy. She lived to see photos of the new rain shelter named for her and was very grateful for all the folks who contributed in her honor. We know she was greeted over the Rainbow Bridge by many furry friends. Rest in Peace, dear Marilyn.
In the last four weeks we had 35 kittens abandoned at the shelter fence plus one mama cat with two babies left at the gate. In the same time we had only ten adoptions at Petco. Today’s count of kittens is 73…..a record high! We are FULL! It is difficult to find space to separate the ones who have all the protocols and ready for adoption from the ones waiting for spay/neuter from the ones with ringworm or skin conditions from the ones who need special foods or special medications. Every casita except the Senior Center is full of kittens. Dra.Eva and Dr. Alberto are trying to find time to go an extra day when possible just to keep up.
With this many kittens, the normal monthly budget skyrockets! The cost to get each kitten ready is very expensive. Vaccines, flea treatments and parasite meds are costly. The FIV/Feline Leukemia test alone costs $20 dollars. The special kitten food is much more expensive that the big bags we buy at COSTCO for the adult cats. And extra vet days add up the cost. If you would like to donate to help the shelter get through the next few months, any amount is welcome and appreciated. Just click on the link to the DONATE page for additional information and a convenient PayPal link.

Pippa living the good life in Vancouver
Pixie was almost 9-years old and living in the Senior Center when Jennifer Petrina visited last November and immediately decided to take her back to Canada. She writes: “Pippa is living the dream with my mom in Vancouver – right on the water in English Bay. My brother built Pippa a “catio” on the rooftop patio where she can go and sit outside and chatter at the birds. Mom is convinced that Pippa is a big hockey fan because she always comes to sit in her lap when she hears the hockey music. I think it’s because she knows there is a really good lap to sit on for a couple of hours and get brushed and loved. Either way, smart cat.
Anyway, the two of them are perfect for each other. They both have their funny routines together and it is absolutely hilarious to hear my mom speaking Spanish to her cat. And now, when I phone my mom, we always have lots to talk about. Our conversations always begin like this: “Oh Jenny, wait until I tell you what Pippa did today!” I think that they both won the lottery.”
We want to thank all the people who sent donations in honor of Marilyn as well as our regular supporters: Mary & Bob Fitzgerald, Karan & Lane Borges, Rosemary & Paul Shaw, Judy Carlsen, Gary Phillips, Carol & Charlie McCullough, Sharon & Ken Rose, Gary Phillips, Sandy & Pat Glenn, Elizabeth Fuerherm, Timothy Oleno and Robert Weed. And a big Thanks from your Virtually Adopted cats to Sherry Krum and Nancy Cutter for another year of support! MEOW!
For info on adopting dogs go to or contact
For info on adopting dogs go to or contact: