Newsletter – February 1st 2020

The PuRR Nursery
Wow! In 2019 the PuRR Shelter took in a record 200 felines!!! There were a few mamas and some older cats but the majority were kittens. In that same period, we had 106 adoptions: 85 at PetCo and the rest through other means like Facebook or shelter visitors. Dra. Eva had a busy year getting all those animals tested, dewormed, vaccinated and SPAYED or NEUTERED.
PEACE ANIMALS reported that they did a whopping 5,892 FREE sterilizations of cats and dogs. The monthly FREE Cuale Clinic reported 1,280. There is also a weekly clinic at Colina Clinic and the city of Vallarta offers the occasional clinic. Spay/Neuter is the only real long-term solution in preventing so many unwanted animals born to suffer in our Bahia de Banderas.

Valentino in Colorado
In January of 2016, we received a tiny kitten rescued at a resort in Nuevo Vallarta. The young man who rescued “Erick” had him stashed in his room and photos showed a serious injury to his mouth. Luckily, Dra. Eva was able to repair the wound and then on February 11, Heather Sullivan visited the shelter and decided this little fella’ would return with her to Colorado! Daughter Presley promptly renamed him Valentino since he arrived on Valentine’s Day. Heather reports he is now her “Furr-ever Bedfellow”!! (Presley is featured in this month’s PuRR calendar……feeding the Greeter Cats when she was able to visit the shelter last year. MEOW!)
SUNSET COCKTAIL PARTY at Daiquiri Dickís: Tuesday, February 4th. Tickets are going to be available at the door so don’t miss this one!! It’s only $500 pesos for cocktails, lots of tasty hors d’oeuvres, entertainment and great raffle prizes. By popular demand, world-renowned belly dancer Ruben Eduardo Marquez Angel will return to perform for us!!
KITTY BINGO: Dates this month are February 12 and 26…..and every other Wednesday through March. It’s still only $100 pesos to play and we’ve got lots of great prizes waiting for anyone who shouts “MEOW”!! Plus the 50/50 Raffle for cold cash! Cards go on sale at 3:30 and BINGO starts at 4:00.
SHELTER TOURS: Space is still available for the February 19, March 4 and March 18 tours. You’ll never have so much fun meeting so many cats and kittens in one morning!! It’s easy to sign up on our website at:

Some of the weekly COSTCO supplies!
If you’ve ever wondered how we spend all the pesos we receive through fundraising efforts like Kitty BINGO and sale of logo items…’s the answer!! Our average monthly cost to care for over 200 felines is around $60,000 pesos…..not including any emergency repairs! It does include food from COSTCO for the garden cats and special Kitten Food for the little ones. It includes a LOT of litter for the five casitas and clinic. It includes medicines & vaccines, cleaning supplies, electricity, salaries for Jose, Carlos, Hilda & Dra. Eva, and then general repairs and upkeep. Our fundraising usually covers around half and the rest comes from individual donations through PayPal or direct to our bank in Delaware. If YOU would like to donate this year, you can check our website for ideas such as Virtually Adopting a Cat!
Many times we’re asked to accept cats whose owners are very ill or who, for whatever reason, are no longer able to care for them. This is always a heart-breaker for us because we understand that these owners love their animals and want to know that they’ll be safe and cared for. In the past, we have accepted a few of these cats and since older cats are rarely adopted, we have relocated them to the ranch. Unfortunately, the outcome is rarely positive. Many become very depressed and withdrawn, very frightened, and some simply disappear. Even though life at the ranch provides them a safe environment, food, water and shelter, it’s a far cry from what they’re used to, premium food in their very own bowl, sleeping with mom and dad in a warm, comfy bed, and no need to share their litter box with a whole crowd of strangers!
When one of our volunteers discovered that she needed emergency surgery and the outcome was questionable, one of the first things she did was contact close friends to ask them if they would each take one of her cats, if the need arose. She went into the operating room knowing that, whatever the outcome, her babies would be well-loved and well-taken care of.
When you’re making a will or a “When I Die” manifesto for your loved ones, please think about adding a section that covers your desires for the care of your little ones. Contact friends or relatives whom you trust and who will willingly accept your baby into their hearts and homes, provide these ‘guardians’ with written information about caring for your little one (food preferences, vet and medical information, favorite toys) and make sure to keep it updated if your circumstances change.
In the same way that a last will provides for your human family when you’re gone, such a document will ensure that your furry family is cared for as well.
For info on adopting dogs go to or contact or
For info on spay and neuter clinics go to Or check out this blog at: