Purr Project Newsletter April 2022

Newsletter – April 1st 2022


Mama Venus + 7

Mama Venus + 7

In March we took in three special needs adults and five kittens plus one pregnant Mama Angelina who should give birth any day!. Mama Venus was moved to the Maternity Casita where she has room to take care of her SEVEN babies! She is a very loving, people-friendly lady and her kittens are learning from her. They are healthy, playful, curious and love the attention of visitors. You can come meet some of our adoptable kittens each Saturday and Sunday at the PetCo Adoption Center! (The Adoption Center will be closed on April 2-3 during their FREE Spay Neuter Clinic that weekend.)


Nelson & Nina with Dra. Eva

Nelson & Nina with Dra. Eva

Last month we were contacted by Michelle Wandler from the Kelowna Kitten Rescue organization. She said that a couple who fosters cats for the group were vacationing in Puerto Vallarta and willing to be Flight Angels for FOUR kittens back to British Columbia. After consulting with Dra. Eva, we choose four candidates for the trip. Linda Stewart and husband Derek then called West Jet to make the Pet-in-Cabin reservation and unfortunately were informed that they could only take one kitten each, regardless of size.

Kittens at the airport

Kittens at the airport

On March 9, Brenda & Bama loaded siblings Nelson and Nina into approved soft carriers and met Linda and Derek at the Vallarta airport. Dra. Eva provided the required Travel Health certificates and check-in was a breeze. It was a long journey with a lay-over in Vancouver, but Linda reports they made it home safely with two very hungry kittens!! Little Nelson and Nina are now in a foster home and will go up for adoption after they are neutered and spayed. Thank you Kelowna Kitten Rescue!!!!!


Charlie at the helm!

Charlie at the helm!

Last month we lost another remarkable PuRR Project USA board member, Charlie McCullough. He and his wife Carol have been PuRR supporters for many years and always first to offer help in a crisis at the shelter or when the pandemic hit and we lost all our fundraising events. In 2017 they funded the complete renovation of Macho’s House and in 2018 the new concrete patio, walkways and Memory Bench. Sharing time between homes in Puerto Vallarta and California, the couple were also avid travelers and sailors.

For his Celebration of Life, Carol remarked: “Charlie was an adventurer who loved people. He said, “the purpose of life is to gather stories”. He sure did gather a wealth of stories in his 70 years on this earth. I’m sure he is making new stories wherever he is right now.” He will be fondly remembered and greatly missed by all, but especially Carol and his beloved cats, Shadow and Sombro.


Nina & Alexa

Nina & Alexa

We are always thrilled when one of our older kitties gets a chance to leave the PuRR nursery for a Forever Home! In early December, Nina Vellani decided she needed a furry companion and met Alexa on a visit to the shelter. It was love at first purr and Alexa will now live part of the year here in Vallarta and part of the year with Nina & Nosh at their home in Vancouver.


We are grateful to Charles Whittington, John Graham, Nina Vellani, Bobbie & Mike Ireland, Doris Stackhouse and Beverly Cairns for their generous donation to PuRR last month!! Also to our regular donors: Gary Phillips, Charlie & Carol McCullough, Sharon & Ken Rose, Joanne Bryla, Timothy Olena, Larry Sherwood, Jalene Taylor, Pat & Sandy Glenn, Heidi Benedict, Elizabeth Fuerherm, Robert Weed and Janice North.

You can see ways YOU can donate on our website at https://purrproject.com/donate/. Or donate by choosing a cat to Virtually Adopt at: https://purrproject.com/adopt/

SPCA PV Logo For info on adopting dogs go to www.spcapv.com or contact spcapv@gmail.com

A Dogs New Life logoFor info on adopting dogs go to www.adogsnewlife.org or contact: adogsnewlife@gmail.com