Newsletter – March 1st 2019

Ocelot in surgery
Together with biologist Carolina Reyes and vet Alberto Cervantes, Dra. Eva Torres has an association dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife in this region. Last month, they received a call from PROFEPA that an ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) had been hit by a car on the highway in Punta Mita. This cat is strongly protected by international wildlife and trade laws and in Mexico is listed as an extinction-threatened species and it is a crime to have, damage or kill one.
Brought in to the clinic, it was examined and determined to be a male of about 3 years, weighting 12 kg. He was in bad shape but fortunately no broken bones. In addition to being struck by a vehicle, he had been shot in the side, had injuries to his legs and his chin, lesions on the tongue, a broken tooth, bite marks and many ticks….this boy had led a rough life!

Coqueto in recovery
After a month of treatment (at Eva’s home!) we are happy to report that “Coqueto” recovered and was released by Eva and the proper authorities back into the wild in the mountains of Nayarit where their known territory is. The film of the release shows a very FAST young cat bounding up the trail and his calls could be heard in the distance. MEOW?

Mama Rosa with Renata, Rene, Roger, Ramon & Ramiro
A very friendly Calico was being fed by a tourist at a resort in Vallarta, where she had given birth to a litter of five little ones. The resort management was not happy with the situation, so Karen O’Shannacery contacted PuRR about taking in the family. Before arrangements could be made, the tiny week-old kittens disappeared. Maintenance workers told Karen that they had been killed on instructions from a manager. So she brought Mama Rosa to Dra. Eva’s office to be examined and moved to the shelter.
The next day, after a complaint to the resort manager, the story changed and they said the kittens had not been killed, just “moved down by the rocks near the beach”! After THREE DAYS of searching by a whole group of resort guests who had heard the story, the babies were located and rushed to the PuRR shelter. Mama Rosa took a few moments to figure out what was happening, then quickly folded the kittens in her furry arms and they started nursing. We were amazed when all five survived and seem to be thriving!!

Babies Lion, Cougar & Leopard!
It’s been very busy days at the shelter with 42 cats & kittens taken in over the last three months!! Many are very young kittens who were rescued with their mother or were just tossed over the shelter fence. So Dra. Eva’s limited time is full with testing, deworming, bathing, vaccinating and spaying or neutering….plus record keeping! In that same period we had 21 adoptions…..14 at PetCo, 4 at Daiquiri Dick’s and 3 through volunteers. We are hoping that as local people become more aware that there are cats (and dogs) at PetCo EVERY WEEKEND the adoption rate will continue to rise.
SHELTER TOURS: The March 06 Tour is already full!! That just leaves Wednesday, March 20 as your last opportunity this season to join one of our volunteers (Marilyn Khan) on a morning of Kitty Kraziness. The comfortable van picks up at three convenient locations in Vallarta and Nuevo Vallarta. You’ll see some interesting little towns and a lot of countryside before arriving at the ranch where you’ll be greeted by a bevy of cats who want your attention….and your treats!! Get all the information and book on-line on our website at or contact us at for a day you’ll never forget!
GARAGE SALE APRIL 6: Our second annual Spring Garage Sale is set for Saturday, April 6th in the Marina. This is a huge event and helps fund the shelter through the long summer. We’ve already got lots of good stuff, but we still need YOUR good stuff! So get busy doing that Spring cleaning you’ve been putting off……gently used clothing, appliances, kitchenware, bedding, electronics, office supplies, tools, games and just about anything you no longer use or need will be welcome. Contact Marilyn Khan for information about drop-off location or pick-up scheduling:
For info on adopting dogs go to or contact or
For info on spay and neuter clinics go to Or check out this blog at: