Newsletter – July 1st 2017

Luke exploring the PuRR Nursery!
Little Luke was found by Jose after someone tossed him over the shelter fence on May 15. He was dazed and afraid but recovered in the PuRR clinic and quickly graduated to the nursery. He has long gray & white fur and a cute pink nose and is eager to get out of the nursery and into his Furr-ever Home!! Contact us at if you would like to give a home to Luke or any of our other adorable kitties.

Waiting for the rain!
It’s hot and humid but the big rains have not begun……yet! We are as prepared for the summer storms as possible, but you just never know what to expect…..hope for the best and prepare for the worst!! This summer will be the first test of the new Senior Center and the remodeled nursery and Macho’s House so hoping they will stay dry! Next project is to paint the clinic, which already has new ceiling insulation and mosquito screens. We are holding off on digging the new septic tank until absolutely necessary….probably in late September when the ground will not be so hard.

Kimberly at the PuRR Shelter
We are in urgent need for a volunteer to drive Dra. Eva to the shelter on Monday afternoons in August and September!! If you have a car and can help, contact Bama at for details. It’s a great opportunity to spend some time socializing kittens or helping Eva in the clinic!
We always need volunteers to help Livia at our Friday Plaza Marina adoption post from 11:00 to 2:00. As part of a special school project, 13-year old Kimberly Rose spent time volunteering at the booth this Spring. She also had the opportunity to visit the shelter and meet many of the 180 resident cats and kittens to complete her report.

Our new Cat Tree complete with cats!
We’d like to offer a BIG “Thank You” to Trisha Aljoe and Monica Pencz for responding to our article last month!! Trisha offered to purchase our new washing machine from Tio Sam’s…..already delivered and installed. Monica went on-line and ordered a great cat tree from COSTCO which is much appreciated by the residents of Casa de Macho (We still need two more!).
We also thank Richard Robertson, Gary Phillips, Carol & Charlie McCullough, Pam Tanora, Sherri Narro and Suceso’s Boutique for generous donations last month! And for regular monthly donations we appreciate Larry Sherwood, Sharon & Ken Rose, Heather Sullivan, John Roberts, and Kristen Wilmsen! It takes a lot of “dinero” to not only feed and provide medical care for 180+ cats, but also cover the many monthly expenses to keep the shelter running. We could not do it without your support!!
For info on adopting dogs go to or contact or
For info on spay and neuter clinics go to Or check out this blog at: