Newsletter – August 1st 2017

We have handfuls of kittens!
The first big summer rainstorm blew in on the night of July 1st and as feared……we had leaks in Simona’s Senior Center and Macho’s House. Plus the wind blew off a section of the nursery roof and one brave kitten made his escape (to be quickly captured by Jose!). Fortunately, all work was guaranteed and the contractor soon made the necessary repairs. These summer storms are certainly beautiful, with amazing lightning shows over the Bay, but probably scary for the 180 shelter cats & kittens who don’t have a human to hold them or a safe bed to hide under!
The Nursery still has 34 kittens who need homes! We had to release some of the older kittens or “teenagers” to live in the yard to make space for the younger ones. It always breaks our hearts to do this but overcrowding is dangerous. If you want to give a Forever Home to a PuRR kitty, contact Linda at and we can find the perfect one for you!!
Nancy has lived in the PuRR Nursery for a year. She and her four siblings were dropped over the shelter fence last August. Two were adopted and two live in the yard, but we still hold out hope that this sweet girl will find a home! She has unusual markings and big blue eyes…..and is Miss May in our 2018 calendar!! Contact us at if YOU would like to give her that Furr-ever Home.
Our super talented graphic designer at Griffin Graffix has been hard at work on the 2018 Calendar and we can’t wait to see it! This year’s theme is The Kitten Edition and is full of adorable kitties, beautiful flowers and a few critters to boot! We hope to get it to the printer and have copies ready to send out by mail in September. We’ll have information on the donation and how to order in next month’s newsletter and on our Facebook page. In the meantime…’s a peek at Mr. March, Fritz!

Sign me up for that tour!!
On Friday, December 15, Roberta Valdez, owner of Alegre Tours, is offering a one-day tour of the charming Mexican towns of Mascota and Talpa for just $115usd. A portion of each registration will benefit PuRR Project ~ muchas gracias, Roberta!
The tour will start and end in Puerto Vallarta, departing at 7:00 a.m. and returning approximately 7:00 p.m. Our air-conditioned luxury bus will first stop in Mascota for a buffet breakfast and some sightseeing., then we’re off to Talpa, an amazing town where we’ll see the museum of the Virgin of Talpa. Yes, it’s a long time until December, but the bus is already half full, so don’t procrastinate! Contact Roberta at for more info. We look forward to having you on this interesting, fun tour!

Marilyn, Bob, Shanti & Eva making medicine meatballs for the yard cats…..always a fun job!
Thanks to Bob & Shanti Doelger, Angela Kelleher and Cindy Corty for volunteering to drive Miss Eva the vet to the shelter on Monday afternoons the last few weeks! They not only drove, but helped Eva out in the clinic. We still need someone to cover Aug. 14, 21 & 28 and all of September. Contact Bama at if you help out on any of those days.
Heather Sullivan stepped up and purchased the two additional cat trees we needed. And Trisha Aljoe took two of our more feral kittens home to socialize. We really appreciate the help, especially this time of year when we are always short of volunteers! We still need help at our Friday Adoption post at Plaza Marina.
For info on adopting dogs go to or contact or
For info on spay and neuter clinics go to Or check out this blog at: